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  /  General Sales Terms and Conditions (GSC)



Maison Gala, a single-person simplified joint-stock company (SASU - Société par actions simplifiée unipersonnelle), with registered offices at 5 avenue Ingres, 75016 Paris, France, telephone +33 (0)7 49 58 29 10, registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register (RCS) under the number 889 372 421 and with VAT number FR 64 889 372 421 (hereinafter referred to as "MG") is a company selling tableware and lifestyle items marketed via distance selling (hereinafter the "Item(s)") through its website (hereinafter the "Site").

These general sales terms and conditions (the "General Terms and Conditions") shall apply to all relations between any individual or legal entity placing an order for one or more Articles from the Site (the "Customer") and MG.

In particular, they set out the conditions for ordering, payments and deliveries and for managing any items ordered the Customer may wish to return.

These General Sales Terms and Conditions can be consulted simply, freely and at any time by clicking on the General Sales Terms and Conditions link.

For information, the Customer may contact the MG helpdesk by clicking on the Contact link, by e-mail by writing to or by telephone on +33 (0)7 49 58 29 10 (no surcharge, billed at the regular price for a local call in metropolitan France).

Our advisors are available Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm, excluding French public holidays.

Ces Conditions Générales de Vente régissent exclusivement l’offre et l’acceptation des ordres d’achat de produits ainsi que le paiement, la livraison et les éventuels retours des articles commandés à MG par le Client par l’intermédiaire du Site.

En choisissant d’acheter des articles auprès de MG sur le Site, le Client accepte expressément et irrévocablement les présentes Conditions Générales.

These General Conditions of Sale will prevail over any other general or special conditions not expressly approved by MG.

These General Sales Terms and Conditions exclusively govern the offer and acceptance of product purchase orders as well as payment, delivery and possible returns of items ordered by the Customer from MG via the Site. By choosing to purchase items from MG via the Site, the Client expressly and irrevocably accepts the General Terms and Conditions. These General Terms and Conditions shall prevail over any other general or special conditions not expressly approved by MG. MG reserves the right to modify its General Terms and Conditions at any time. In such an event, the General Sales Terms and Conditions applicable will be those in force on the date on which the Customer places his/her order.


The characteristics of the Items offered for sale are those presented on the Site and are accessible by simply clicking on the Item in question.

These Items, which are normally available, may on occasion cease to be immediately available as a result of simultaneous orders or supplier delivery delays.

In the event of temporary unavailability, we will propose a new delivery time by e-mail. If you prefer, you may then request that your order to be cancelled or exchanged, by contacting us ( or by telephone on +33 (0)7 49 58 29 10).

If, despite MG's best efforts, a Product proves to be unavailable after the Customer has placed his/her order, MG will inform the Customer of this as soon as possible by email, and the Customer will have the choice between:

the delivery of a Product of a quality and price equivalent to the one initially ordered, or

• reimbursement of the price of the Product ordered at the latest within thirty (30) days of the payments already made.

It shall be understood that, apart from reimbursement of the price of the unavailable Product, if this is the option requested by the Customer, MG shall not be under obligation to pay any compensation for cancellation, unless it is deemed personally responsible for the failure to execute the terms of the contract.

The photographs and descriptions of the Articles are as faithful as possible but cannot be guaranteed to be perfectly identical to the Article delivered, particularly with regard to colors and shapes, as they are handcrafted objects. Any dissimilarities or errors, particularly technical or typographical errors, which do not affect the essential characteristics of the Article, will under no circumstances constitute grounds for liability on the part of MG nor shall they entitle the Customer to lodge a complaint.


The languages available for ordering on the Site are French and English.

To place an order on the Site, the Customer shall:

(i) select the product(s) of his/her choice by clicking on "Add to cart";

(ii) access his/her cart to consult a page recapitulating his/her order and corresponding to the order form, for purposes of making any necessary changes, applying a promotional code, viewing delivery costs and then confirming his/her order by clicking on "Finalize the order",

(iii) either log into his/her account previously created under the conditions set out below by entering his/her login details (email address and password), or continue his/her order in "guest" mode (in which case, s/he will be unable to access his/her order history from the Site),

(iv) validate the order after having checked it and corrected any errors;

(v) consult and accept the General Terms and Conditions;

(vi) consult the Privacy Policy;

(vii) choose the method of payment for the order and, where applicable, make payment in accordance with the conditions set out and described in Article 7;

(viii) confirm the order and proceed with payment.

To create an account, the Customer must fill in all the details requested for this purpose (family name, first name, postal address, email address, etc.) and choose a password compliant with the instructions given on the Site. This password shall be personal to the Customer, who shall be its custodian. Any action carried out from the Customer's account will therefore be presumed by MG to have been performed by the Customer. 

All the data provided and the recorded confirmation shall have the value of proof of the transaction. Confirmation will have the value of a signature and of acceptance of the operations performed.

The order form will be stored in MG's database for the time necessary for the dispatch of the order and in compliance with the legal timelines. The Customer will be able to access his/her order form by consulting the My Account section of the Site.


Once the contract has been finalized according to the order procedure described, MG will email the customer a receipt of his/her order summarizing the information contained in the recorded order form.

For the Customer, this email, printed and/or saved, serves as proof of his/her order. MG therefore, recommends to Customers that they keep copies in this way.

However, the email is no more than the confirmation that the customer's order will be processed by MG and not that the item(s) ordered are available. Another confirmation email will be sent to the customer in this regard.


The sales prices of the Articles are expressed in euros, inclusive of all taxes, i.e. in the Member States of the European Union, the Products are sold inclusive of VAT, but exclusive of delivery costs.

Outside the European Union, sales prices are expressed exclusive of tax.

Any customs duties payable at destination are to be borne by the Customer.

Any delivery costs indicated in Article 10 below are to be borne by the Customer and are invoiced in addition to the sales price of the Items.

The prices of the Items may change at any time. The sales price for the purchase of each Item shall correspond to the price posted on the Site at the time the order is taken.

For your information, please be aware that, in the event of an erroneous, obviously ridiculously low price being displayed for whatever reason (computer bug, manual error, technical error.), the order - even if validated by MG - will be cancelled. You will be informed of this as soon as possible and will then, if you so wish, be able to place your order again at the correct and amended price.


All purchases made on the Site are payable at the time of order. MG reserves the right to launch proceedings against the perpetrator in the event of use or attempted use of fraudulent means of payment.

The methods of payment accepted by MG for the settlement of the purchase(s) made on its Site are credit/debit cards with the Stripe system, PayPal accounts or bank transfers.

Payment by credit/debit card:

The Customer must enter the number of his/her credit/debit card, its expiry date and the last three digits on the reverse of the card in the fields provided for this purpose on the order form. The security of this data will be ensured by Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). 

This information will never be used by MG for any purpose other than to complete the procedures related to the purchase made by the Customer, to make any reimbursements in the event of return of the Items or to report the occurrence of fraud on the Site to the appropriate authorities.

The Customer's account will be debited at the time of the order.

MG reserves the right to suspend order management and deliveries in the event of payment authorization being refused.

Payment with a PayPal account

By choosing to pay via PayPal, the Customer will be automatically directed to his/her PayPal account to make his/her payment. PayPal carries out your transactions without ever communicating your bank details to MG.


Delivery shall be made to the address indicated by the Customer on the order form, which must be within the Geographical Delivery Zone. Geographical Delivery Zone: The Items offered for sale by MG on the Site can be delivered to destinations in Europe, the USA and Canada. For all other destinations, the Customer must contact MG's Customer Service. Delivery shall be performed by MBE (Mail Boxes Etc) in cooperation with its partners (the "Carrier"). Delivery is considered to have been made on the date of the first presentation of the Item(s) ordered in their packaging to the delivery address indicated by the Customer on the order form. The Customer shall be required to check the condition of the packaging and the conformity of the Item(s) delivered before signing the delivery note: a record of the state of the packaging and the Products shall, if possible, be recorded with the Carrier or its agent, on the shipping document. In the event of any apparent defect or failure of the Article delivered to comply in any way with the characteristics of the Article ordered as shown on the order form, the Customer must report these defects, evidenced by photos taken the same day, to, within three (3) days following the date of delivery, by sending MG's Customer Service a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt describing the defect or lack of conformity noted, with the delivery note attached, to the following address:

Maison Gala SASU

5 avenue Ingres

75016 Paris France

The Customer shall refrain from taking any action in relation to the Article and leave MG every opportunity to observe the defects or anomalies mentioned. Failure to comply with this requirement will render the complaint unacceptable. Complaints made after the above-mentioned deadline will be rejected and the Customer will have no right of appeal. 

Whatever the nature of the complaint (product defect or delivery problems), the Customer will not be able to refuse delivery by the Carrier, and must keep the Article until acceptance by MG of its return.

The cost of returning the defective or non-compliant Item(s) will then be borne by MG in the form of a reimbursement.

In the event that the defect or lack of conformity of the Article should be duly recognized by MG, making the product unfit for the use for which it was normally intended, the provisions of the Guarantee below shall apply.


Before the Customer validates his/her order, (s)he will be informed of the date on which delivery is to take place.

This date shall not apply in the event of an occurrence classified as “force majeure” (Act of God).


The cost of delivery for the item(s) ordered are shown in the "Delivery charge" table that the customer can consult in the "Delivery" section of the Site.

Delivery charges shall be borne by the Customer.


Except for the exceptions indicated below, the Customer shall have the right to withdraw his/her order within a period of fourteen (14) days following receipt of the Articles.

To exercise this right, the Customer must inform MG of his/her decision before the expiration of the fourteen (14) day period defined above. To this end, (s)he can use the form in appendix. The Customer may choose to inform MG of his/her decision by post or e-mail at the following address:

Maison Gala SASU

Service Client

5 avenue Ingres

75016 Paris France

E-mail address:

The Customer shall then be required to return the products concerned to MG without delay and, at all events, within a maximum of fourteen (14) days from the day (s)he informed MG of his/her decision to withdraw. The products must be returned to the above-mentioned address.

If the customer exercises his/her right of withdrawal under the conditions set out above, MG will reimburse him/her the totality of the sums paid, at the latest within fourteen (14) days from the date on which MG was informed of this decision, provided that MG has received the returned Article(s) in perfect condition, in their original packaging(s) and with all their accessories. MG reserves the right to refuse reimbursement if these conditions are not fulfilled.

In accordance with Article L.221-28 of the Consumer Code, the right of withdrawal shall not apply in the case of Articles produced according to the Customer's specifications or highly personalized.

Customers who do not have the status of consumers shall not be entitled to withdraw their order(s) in this way.


For any request for information or any eventual complaints, the Customer may contact MG on +33 (0)7 49 58 29 10 or by email at or by clicking on the link in the Customer Service section of the Site.



In the event of failure by the Customer to fulfil his/her payment obligations, for any reason whatsoever, MG will be entitled to demand the immediate return, at the sole expense of the Customer, of the item(s) delivered.


If an additional commercial guarantee is granted by MG on a product, the conditions of this guarantee shall be specified in the description of the product appearing on the Site.

In addition to such commercial guarantees, MG shall remain bound by the legal guarantee of conformity mentioned in Articles L. 211-4 to L. 211-13 of the Consumer Code and by the guarantee relating to defects in the item sold, under the conditions set out in Articles 1641 to 1648 and 2232 of the Civil Code.

Legal guarantee of conformity

Article L. 211-4 of the Consumer Code provides that :

"The seller is required to deliver goods in conformity with the contract and is liable for any lack of conformity existing at the time of delivery. He is also liable for defects in conformity resulting from packaging, assembly instructions or installation when this was made at his expense by the contract or was carried out under his responsibility. »

Article L. 211-5 of the Consumer Code provides that :

In order to be in conformity with the contract, goods must 

1° Be fit for the use usually expected of a similar good and, where applicable:

- correspond to the description given by the seller and possess the qualities that the seller has presented to the buyer in the form of a sample or model;

- present the qualities defined by mutual agreement between the parties or be suitable for any special use sought by the buyer, brought to the seller's knowledge and accepted by the latter.

2° Or present the characteristics defined by mutual agreement between the parties or be suitable for any special use sought by the buyer, brought to the seller's knowledge and accepted by the latter. »

Article L. 211-12 of the Consumer Code stipulates that

"Legal action arising as a result of lack of conformity is only possible within the two (2) years following delivery of the goods". 

Legal guarantee for hidden defects

Article 1641 of the Civil Code stipulates that:

"The seller is bound by the guarantee on account of the hidden defects of the thing sold which render it unfit for the use for which it is intended, or which so diminish this use that the buyer would not have acquired it, or would only have paid a lower price for it, if he had known about them. »

The first paragraph of Article 1648 of the Civil Code stipulates that: 

“Legal action arising as a result redhibitory defects must be taken by the purchaser within two (2) years from the discovery of the defect.”


Are excluded from the guarantee:

- Damage to the Article resulting from normal wear and tear in relation to its nature, function, composition and price;

- any defects in the Article that may result from incorrect installation, storage, conservation, lack of maintenance, improper use, unusual use or use that does not comply with the technical specifications or use, modifications or repairs carried out by the Customer or a third party, or external damage.


MG's liability in respect of the Articles delivered, including under the applicable contractual or legal guarantees, shall be limited to the price of the defective or non-compliant Articles. MG shall be under no obligation to pay compensation for indirect damages or other financial prejudice suffered by the Customer or a third party.


MG shall not be held liable for any failure in meeting its contractual obligations in the event of force majeure or fortuitous events such as disasters, fires, internal or external strikes, pandemics, internal or external failures or breakdowns and, in general, any external, unforeseeable and irresistible event making it impossible for orders to be properly executed.


All the elements of the MG website are and remain the intellectual and exclusive property of MG.

No one is authorized to reproduce, exploit, rebroadcast, or use for any purpose whatsoever, even partially, elements of the Site whether software, visual or sound.

All links or hypertext links are strictly forbidden without the express written agreement of MG.

MG is bound solely by an obligation of means with regard to ensuring the security of the online ordering process; it cannot be held liable for any damage resulting from the use of the Internet network, such as loss of data, intrusion, virus, disruption to service, or other involuntary problems.


Personal information relating to Customers will be processed by MG in accordance with the Law on Data Processing, Data Files and Individual Liberties of 6 January 1978, the General Regulations on Data Protection and the Confidentiality Policy accessible on the Site.

By placing an order, the Customer acknowledges having read the Privacy Policy. Politique de Confidentialité.


MG will archive purchase orders and invoices on a reliable sustainable medium constituting a faithful copy in accordance with the provisions of Article 1348 of the Civil Code. MG's computerized records will be considered by the parties as proof of the exchanges, orders, payments and transactions between them.


The present terms and conditions of online sale are subject to French law.

In the event of a dispute, jurisdiction is attributed to the competent French courts, notwithstanding plurality of defendants or appeal in warranty.

Please note the following mandatory mention :

The European Commission offers a platform for online dispute resolution. This can be accessed at the following address: . We are neither willing nor obliged to take part in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer conciliation body.

Appendix: Specimen order withdrawal form

(Please send the form below via email only if you wish to submit a request to withdraw your order.)

— For the attention of Maison Gala SASU, Service Client, 5 avenue Ingres, 75016 Paris,France :

— I hereby give notice that I withdraw from my agreement relating to the following purchase:

— Order number: ____________

— Order date: ____________

— Name of consumer(s): ____________

— Address of consumer(s): ____________

— Signature of consumer(s) (solely if you intend to submit this form by post)

— Date : ____________


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