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  /  A BEST WORLD   /  Refinement and ecology : it is possible with hemp!

Refinement and ecology : it is possible with hemp!

Linen and hemp, two textile fibres produced in our attractive latitudes and at the same time ecological and sustainable.

We know it: our planet is suffering. The environment is becoming a concern for all:

  • and for all economic activities - the textile industry ranks 2nd among the most polluting industries according to recent studies;
  • and for the consumer, encouraged to consume moderate and responsible using recyclable materials.

In this context, we all agree to have a real priority in the development of new solutions that respect our natural resources.

We find Linen and Hemp, two environmentally friendly textile fibres produced in our latitudes.

D’autres fibres textiles ne semblent pas entièrement écologiques :
Le coton ? Sa culture est trop gourmande en eau, en pesticides et il n’y a pas de cultivation localement.
Le bambou ? Pas local non plus et souvent mélangé avec des fibres issues du pétrole.
La laine ? Il ne s’agit pas d’un produit végétal.

Hemp, the agricultural one, not to be confused with its cousin, Indian hemp or cannabis, has enormous qualities!

Grown for its seeds and fibres, this millennial plant is undeniably one of the most environmentally friendly crops for a long list of reasons:

Hemp does not require any chemicals for cultivation: no insecticides, no fungicides, no herbicide!

Hemp stores CO2 in its structures and thus participates in the fight against global warming.

Hemp returns nitrogen to the soil, unlike cotton, for example, which depletes nutrients from the earth.

It needs very little water. Thanks to its deep roots, hemp is a drought-resistant crop.

In addition, hemp is also a plant that can be grown anywhere in the world, so it allows a local supply.

Add to these ecological virtues agronomic interests in terms of soil yield.
The uses of the hemp plant can be multiple: fabrics, ropes, building and insulation materials, automotive plastics (fibres), fuels, biofuels, cosmetics, human food (hemp oil rich in omega 3 and 6 for example) and animal (seeds, oak), medicines and others.


Is it possible to reduce our carbon footprint by using eco-friendly fibres without giving up on pleasure? The answer is yes: Hemp tablecloths are very soft, natural and extremely sophisticated: Maison Gala swears!

Here you know the essentials to remember about this incredible material.

Come quickly to discover our new products 100% hemp!


Stay safe,

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