Dans l'univers de la gastronomie, la perfection se cache souvent dans les détails, et la vaisselle artisanale incarne l'essence même de cette quête incessante de l'excellence. Pour les chefs de restaurants étoilés, chaque plat est une œuvre d'art, une symphonie de saveurs qui se doit d'être présentée avec élégance et raffinement. C'est là que nos collections de vaisselle artisanales sur-mesure entrent en scène, une ode à l'artisanat traditionnel et à la passion pour la cuisine.
Journées Européennes des métiers d’art – Maison Gala ouvre ses portes
Maison Gala, à l’occasion des Journées européennes des métiers d’art JEMA, vous invite, au coeur de Paris, dans le 16me arrondissement, à découvrir ses collections et ses métiers d’art: encore une fois une maniere pour réaffirmer son engagement à soutenir, valoriser et promouvoir l'artisanat d'art français et italien.
Earth and fire: a source of constant discovery and enrichment
Manuele was born in Crema in 1984. He discovered ceramics under rather unusual circumstances. After studying sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Brera, he began to work with marble, while experimenting with a variety of techniques and materials in search of his true artistic vocation.
Ruggero: from Milan to Arezzo, from Castello Sforzesco’s frescos to Tuscan ceramics
It was in Arezzo that he first set up as an independent trader. Since then, he has specialised in working with stoneware as a noble and unique material, creating tableware for top Italian restaurants and chefs and expressing himself in a broad variety of creative forms.
SILVIA: The right lifestyle choices - a long voyage of self-discovery
Her artistic soul first began to emerge from its chrysalis in 2007, when she signed up for a course in raku, a traditional Japanese form of pottery-making. Raku has a rather disjointed and uneven finish so, while the technique gave Silvia the chance to be in direct contact with raw materials, it failed to fire her imagination. It was only when she discovered the simplicity and purity of porcelain that she was finally able to give full rein to her creative urges.
PORTRAIT OF A CRAFTSWOMAN: Caterina, lightness in action
What Caterina teaches us is that the earth from which ceramics are made contains everything needed for a work of art: air, colored pigments, fire and water. A creative alchemist, she combines these elements, in proportions differing each time, to create porcelain objects that are always unique.
Craftsmen and women who create products that tell a story and preserve age-old traditions. Today I should like to introduce you to Danilo, master craftsman and creator of our decorative majolica Sicilian Moor’s heads and pine cones.